Stunting Prevention Initiative: Training for Volunteer Health Workers
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Stunting is an issue we have faced for decades. In an effort to reduce the number of stunted children in rural areas of Indonesia, it all starts with knowledge and awareness. We cannot begin to fight something we know nothing about.
As part of our stunting prevention initiative, YUM conducted a training session for local volunteer health workers (or kader) in West Java last week. Led by our Health Coordinator, Eneng Ernawati, more than 40 kader from the nearby integrated health centres (or Posyandu) attended the training.
The training focused on understanding what stunting is, and one the key points is understanding growth. Growth is an indicator of the health and well-being of a child. It can be measured objectively by using various measurements. Height is frequently used along with weight to determine body mass index and the nutritional status of a child. This is an important stage in determining whether the child’s growth is ideal or not. The kader were trained on how to measure weight correctly as well as measure a child’s length (especially for infants who are not yet able to stand) using using various tools accurately.
Most importantly, the kader were trained to use the standard WHO-NCHS (World Health Organization - National Centre for Health Statistic) growth charts to assess a child’s development. Each one was also supplied with a growth chart so they can accurately measure the growth of each child in their respective Posyandu.
We were happy to see that all the kader were filled with enthusiasm knowing that they can now measure the ideal growth of children and help their communities be better informed. This is an important step in our effort to reduce stunting in rural areas.
We hope to provide more training sessions in the future so all those in the frontline of stunting prevention can be better informed and serve their communities better. Your donation is vital for us to provide more trainings to as many frontline health workers as possible so they can continue to fight stunting in Indonesia. With COVID-19 and the consequences it has had on low income families, now more than ever is the time for us to spread the word about the dangers of stunting.
Go to our project page to see how you can help:
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