Internship report from the field: vocational training in West Java

YUM had the pleasure of welcoming Joanna Auguenois, a student from France who spent four months interning and living in Cipanas, West Java, where she focused on assessing YUM's Vocational Training Center.
Joanna and students from the Vocational Training Center

YUM had the pleasure of welcoming Joanna Auguenois, a student from France pursuing a bachelor’s degree in international Solidarity Project Management from Université Bordeaux Montaigne. Joanna spent four months interning and living in Cipanas, West Java, where she focused on assessing YUM's Vocational Training Center (VTC). Her objective was to do a survey of our current and past training participants on their satisfaction and feedback, as well as to diagnose the current employment situation around our project area.


In her own words, Joanna explains her time at YUM:


"What we found in the area in terms of employment is that potential employers are increasingly seeking candidates with strong interpersonal skills to stand out in such a competitive environment. Traits such as confidence and reliability are highly valued. Also, the service sector, which accounts for 42% of the GDP, is just as significant as the industrial sector and continues to grow. This sector is crucial for employment opportunities, highlighting the importance of equipping young people with the necessary skills to thrive in this dynamic field. Additionally, there is a very high success rate among entrepreneurs. 

The VTC provides an excellent opportunity for young people to acquire valuable skills and stand out in the job market. This initiative is crucial for lifting youth out of poverty and increasing their employment prospects. With its ability to adapt to the evolving employment landscape, VTC holds significant potential for positive impact. These studies can guide us in enhancing and tailoring VTC to be as relevant as possible to the needs of the youth."



"I also had the opportunity to attend English classes and meet the students, who are very motivated and curious! We were able to discuss cultural differences, their eagerness to learn English, and how this skill can benefit their future careers. Based on a satisfaction survey run with the students, we can already say that the VTC students are very satisfied about the courses and that it reaches their expectations."


We were delighted to have Joanna with us. Her maturity enabled her to adapt to the staff members in Cipanas and to the environment quite easily. Her assessment of the VTC was very helpful and we hope to be able to apply her findings in the near future!


