Fabric Masks Help Women Generate Income
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These days, fabric masks are in high demand. This is due not only to COVID-19 but also the government’s order for all Indonesians to use a mask when going outside. Because of this increased need for fabric masks, we thought it would be perfect as a means of income for the ladies who are part of YUM’s Sewing Team, who rely on a day-to-day basis source of income. Some of the sole breadwinner of the family. There are 6 women altogether, including 2 who are sewing teachers at YUM’s Vocational Training Centre and act as quality control for the finished products.
Although in this current situation it has not been easy to find the sewing materials, we were lucky enough to still be able to find the elastics and balinese batik fabrics online. We also used recycled remains of fabric from previous product creations. As for the production process itself, most of women have a sewing machine at home so they were able to work from home. Those who do not own a machine were welcome to use ours at the community centre.
Every day, each one was able to produce about 20 pieces of masks. The type of mask that were made are in the form of a head loop and made with 2 layers of fabric. The front part is made with balinese batik and the inner part is made using plain cotton. To this date, they have made 560 pieces of fabric masks, and for those interested, you can purchase the masks by clicking on the following websites:
KUKA Marketplace:
YUM Organic Farm (buy a mask while purchasing your weekly organic veggies!):
The Sewing Team ladies are extremely happy that they are still able to receive an income during these hard times, and they are also happy that the small act that they are doing is also indirectly helping the community to prevent the spread of the virus.
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